
Will Golang overcome out Python and Java?

There can be various reasons for choosing a particular programming language accompanied by new features. For a couple of years, a new language can be heard constantly from the developer and that is Golang. It all started back in 2009 where Google was focusing on how to eliminate the slowness or clumsiness of software development and convert it into a productive one. Something about GOLANG? GOLANG is a programming language introduced by Google. GO is an open-source programming language that makes the development of software easier. The advantages of GO are that they are better fit due to its simplicity, speed, concurrency, and high performance.  Profits OF GOLANG: GOLANG is a modern language as said modern tasks required modern solutions. Golang was created by keeping Cloud computing in mind which no doubts define the future of the tech world. GOLANG is simple Golang comes with clean syntax, minimalistic design, and clear language specifications.  Golang also increases its productivity.